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Based within our premises, but a separate business to Highthorn Physiotherapy Clinic Ltd is 'Podiatry Clinics (York) Ltd' , managed by Lee Short, Musculoskeletal Podiatrist and his associate, Simon O'Donnell.

Both are:
SCP - Members of The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists http://www.feetforlife.org/
HPC - Registered with the Health Professions Council http://www.hpc-uk.org/

Recognised providers to most private health insurance companies,
following a referral from a consultant.

  • What is Podiatry?
    Musculoskeletal Podiatry is the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of
    biomechanical conditions primarily affecting the lower limbs. Such conditions
    may lead to acute or longer-term problems and may also be referred to as
    over use injuries.

    Long-term biomechanical injuries occur when there is excessive movement and
    force between joints and/or soft tissue structure. Because these injuries are
    motion based it makes sense that only precise observation of a person's
    individual movement (their gait) will provide the accurate information required
    to effectively correct and treat their condition.
  • What is Podiatric Biomechanics?
    The foot is unique in the body due to its position and function. Although most
    people believe that each foot only takes half their body weight during walking,
    in fact the true figure is about one and half times body weight. In the course of
    a normal day a person might take between 3 - 15,000 steps. This means that
    any inefficiency in foot function is multiplied many times over. This is the basis
    for many foot and lower limb problems. A careful 'biomechanical' examination
    attempts to pick out these minor imbalances and seeks to correct them by
    mechanical means. A foot orthosis works by increasing the efficiency with
    which the foot functions. This altered function can affect the whole lower limb,
    pelvis and back thus improving the body's general posture and ability to
  • Can Podiatry Help with Sports Injuries?
    The Musculoskeletal Podiatrist can often help to resolve many sport related

    The majority of the population has slight biomechanical variations in their feet.
    These are normally so minor that people would not be aware of them in
    everyday life, however, due to the repetitive nature of running and sporting
    activities, those variations may become intensified. This intensification can
    cause injuries to the muscles in the lower leg (particularly the shins), and the
    muscles around the knees and hips.
  • Gait Analysis

    Gait analysis is an invaluable tool in the accurate diagnosis of chronic lower
    limb injuries. In the field of sports injuries especially, this technique is of
    particular use. The abnormal and/or excessive movement that occurs during
    some sporting activities can produce high stresses within the joints and on soft
    tissue structures, resulting in the symptoms of injury.


    Patients often have symptoms that only appear during or immediately after
    their chosen sport. Only by very carefully observing the patient's movement
    can an accurate diagnosis be achieved. The subsequent corrective treatment is
    thus more precise and focused.
  • Is Podiatry Suitable for Children?
    Surprisingly, children can suffer with a range of foot and lower limb problems.
    These can be developmental or due to a family trait. Poor alignment and
    function of the foot can lead to overuse of the lower limb resulting in 'growing
    pains', foot and arch pain and other problems. Both Lee and Simon have many
    years experience in treating childrens' foot problems.

Lee Short
Lee obtained his first degree (BSc) in 1994 and has over 18 years' experience as a podiatrist. Most of Lee's experience has been in the field of podiatric biomechanics and musculoskeletal podiatry.

Lee has over 15 years' experience working as an extended scope musculoskeletal podiatry practitioner within the NHS. He currently divides his time between podiatry clinics and his extended specialist musculoskeletal practitioner role within the Ministry of Defence (one of only a handful of specialised posts in the U.K). He has a specialist interest / knowledge in running rehabilitation and analysis and has also obtained a post graduate master's degree in clinical podiatric biomechanics and a diploma in steroid injection therapy. He has vast experience working with the general public, sports and rehabilitation of injured military recruits.


Simon O'Donnell
Simon has many years' experience as the former lead musculoskeletal podiatrist for Westminster PCT.

Simon is the lead extended scope musculoskeletal podiatrist for Harrogate Foundation NHS Trust, and associate musculoskeletal podiatrist at podiatry clinics. Simon has completed a Post Graduate Diploma in clinical podiatric biomechanics and received his MSc in 2012. Simon has a specialist interest in exercise induced lower limb pain and hopes to publish on this subject in the near future.


Alternative Mondays and every Tuesday and Thursday

For further details or to book an appointment with the PODIATRY CLINICS please contact Christine Gallagher on 07752 768897 or via email to podiatryclinicsyorkshireltd@gmail.com

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